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Summit Middle School

Home of the Falcons

Information for Incoming 6th Graders

Resources for Incoming 6th Graders

Welcome, parents!

Curriculum and Course Scheduling Information

You can find Curriculum Guides with Course Descriptions, Course Selection Sheets, and information about Honors Classes at our counselor’s Curriculum and Course Information Page.

Immunization and Health Information

A letter from our school nurse about immunizations

For health forms regarding medications, health conditions, or immunization exemptions, visit the SMS Health Clinic's page: Health Forms

For questions about health forms or immunizations, contact Summit's nurse, Katie Gray: School Nurse Contact Info

Athletics, Extracurricular Clubs, and After-school Activities

Dates and times of athletic events and extracurricular activities are continually updated on the SMS Website calendar: SMS Calendar

SPORTS: Summit Sixth Graders can participate on four school teams: Cross Country, Wrestling, Swim & Dive, and Track & Field. To find out about these teams, visit the SMS Athletics page.

EXTRACURRICULAR CLUBS & GROUPS: At Summit we have a number of clubs and extracurricular groups that meet regularly and that sixth graders can join. The complete list is found on our website under the "Activities" menu: Activities Page on the SMS Website

PERFORMING ARTS: Summit sixth graders can audition to participate in Dance Team, Class Act (show choir), Select Choir, and the school musical. For information about these groups, visit the Activities Page on the SMS Website.

Resources for Students to Get Ready for 6th Grade


Looking for extra math practice for your student this summer?  If so, then consider the following resources:

If your in-coming 6th grade child is being recommended for Math 7 or beyond, then you may consider having your child work through the following activities prior to the new school year: Advanced Math Resources for Incoming 6th Graders

Resources for Summit Parents

Follow Summit Middle School on Twitter: @SMSfalcons

Learn more about Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS) and SOARing at Summit: PBIS and SOARing

Learn more about Summit's Parent-Teacher Club: SMS PTC

Our Website's RESOURCES FOR PARENTS page features other information that we hope is helpful to our students' families.