Welcome Falcons & Parents! We are looking forward to another great season of Falcon soccer.
Tryout Dates:
March 19 &20
Parent Meeting:
March 26th the last 10minutes of practice, 4:20
3-4:30PM, We will meet in the Summit gym. Plan on practicing outside, weather permitting, but bring indoor and outdoor gear!
What to Bring:
Shin guards, indoor shoes or tennis shoes AND outdoor soccer cleats, ball, water
Keepers - bring your goalie gloves
Medical devices as needed (such as inhalers for asthma)
The girls will NOT be allowed to participate in tryouts until medical, physical and concussion forms have been completed on FinalForms.
We expect to keep 18 players on the team. We are looking for players who have good soccer fundamentals, athleticism, speed, motivation, confidence and the ability to be a team player.
Practices on non-game days will continue daily throughout the season (March 24 – May 22) from 3-4:30PM. No practice during Spring Break or when school is not in session. See Summit website for the Girls soccer schedule.
Any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail. Thanks!