Student Writer Wins Contest!
Congratulations to Alexandra for her winning entry in the Young Writers’ Fright Club mini saga writing contest. Students were asked to write a story using tension, atmosphere, or suspense in less than 100 words. Alexandra’s story, titled “Knock-Knock” will be published in April as part of the Fright Club – From the Shadows publication. Alexandra entered this contest as part of her after school involvement in Writer’s Summit, a writer’s club that meets bi-monthly after school.
My friends dared me to knock. I didn’t want to. But I had just gotten in with the cool kids, I didn’t want to lose them. I stepped up and banged the skull-shaped knocker. The sound reverberated in the night. As I waited a million thoughts raced around my head. What if there’s a serial killer? What if I get taken and am never heard from again? And finally the scariest thought of all, what if my missing dad is in there? The door creaked open as I held my breath……
Even disguised, I knew it was him.